Friday 4 June 2010

Opening Blog

Hi. Welcome. Let me rabbit on about my new jewellery business, Turquoise Bay Jewellery. I'll use this blog to comment on my progress as a budding entrepreneur, craftswoman, mother to three girls, and website designer. An all purpose super yummy mummy. (Aren't we all?)

OK, so I took the biggest leap of faith and tried to take my jewellery making hobby and turn it into a full time, profitable, tax paying business. (I'll do anything to allow me to play mummy at home to my exhausting daughters!)

Next I designed and published a website - which meant I had to learn all about meta tags and other computer junk speak. I may write a whole blog about the difficulties of meta tags, getting google to list my website, and the trauma of having to get links to my website without buying them or filling up my lovely website with links to other rubbish sites. (I have had 3 offers from witches to link to their "magical" sites!)

Then I had to master the art of photography, made all the harder because not only is my camera old and past it, but small toddler hands kept appearing at the edges of the photos. Quickly I worked out that if the light changes from one day to the next, it makes the pictures look really awkward when they are placed together - so if I didn't want to be forced to retake every image if I wanted to add a new piece to the website I had to find a way of controlling the light.

The Facebook site came next - where I tried to remember to blog there every so often, while also flagging to Google Analytics on the days when I blog so as to capture the huge impact on my web stats that a random comment about turquoise might bring. I watched as people "liked" my jewellery, became sales on the website and the list of friends filled up with people who are not just my own family!

So that's where we are at the moment. Everything in place and working. All the jewellery on the website is photographed nicely and the internal links work. All I have to do now is keep going and sell lots more!

So take a look at the website - and let me know what you think. I'm looking forward to hearing what you think.

Joanna x